Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Den of Slavery (POEM)

Every new day, the slavery nightmare made new

Younger by newer sufferings

Older by days in confinement

Strengthened by the chase for breath

Freedom chase, a refinement faced with death

Humans turned commodities

Traded as gold and silver

Recycled and treasured for masters

But valued as wastes thrashed in shreds

Weather felt hot in the cold

The Cold melted by inhuman exposure

The greener pastures chase

Brain drain, the pain at home made gain abroad

Paintd by hopes of opportunities

Faded by slavery reality

Like a dashed future

Potentials leaked into the bleakness of obscurity

Abroad, the greener pastures we seek

But a reek from the blood of the chain of slavery

Rapture, the capture made to feel

A crave for death, a wreath to fulfilment

But bewilderment to loved ones left at home

The World We Live In

Day and night, raced by many

Grace, the trace to being at pace

Lace with faith to face the world

A wake up call not late but

Awaken in the found ambitions in lost times

Abroad not always green but redder by the den of slavery

Dedicated to all victims of slavery, especially foreigners caught up by the den of slavery

Written and composed by Taiwo, Kehinde Oluwaseyi