Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Make That Move, Give!

Giving is an action
It magnets rains of blessings
To one beyond one's imagination.

Giving is a choice
Executed with love, humility and respect
For the individual in receipt of it.

Giving is as beautiful as the rainbow
To the individual who appreciates it wholeheartedly
Regardless of the weight of the GIVING

The effects of Giving, a whirlwind that
Gets blessings on Goal, sweeping the Giver off his or her feet

The weight of its blessings
Not defined by time nor its approach
But the sincerity of purpose in the GIVING

The blessings of GIVING
As nourishing as the honey from a swarm of bees
Its speed faster than a cheetah 

Giving is human
Its blessings, so heavenly

Make that move, GIVE!

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